A serialized anthology series that follows a group of teenagers being targeted by a masked serial killer.
Ano: 2015, Duração: 31 minutos, Elenco: Willa Fitzgerald, Bex Taylor-Klaus, John Karna
Robert, Norwegian, 40 year old yuppie, after a tragic accident cannot handle the demons and wants to commit a suicide. The film is a journey into the main characters fate with the background of the clash/contrast between the Polish a
Ano: 2015, Duração: 15 minutos, Elenco: Andrzej Chyra, Sylwia Juszczak, Mads Ousdal
A man whose lush inner thoughts are rendered mute by a crippling stutter feels isolated from the world despite a flourishing online relationship.
Ano: 2015, Duração: 12 minutos, Elenco: Matthew Needham, Chloe Pirrie, Eric Richard
Deckard Shaw seeks revenge against Dominic Toretto and his family for his comatose brother.
Ano: 2015, Duração: 137 minutos, Elenco: Vin Diesel, Paul Walker, Dwayne Johnson
A depressed teenage boy is admitted into a psychiatric unit and struggles to come to terms with his illness and accept that he needs help.
Ano: 2015, Duração: 13 minutos, Elenco: Elijah Wellsmore, Josh Kieser, Melinda Joan Reed
We often have our pre-judgments about the people we come in contact with, not understanding the reasoning behind their actions. CITY KIDS is a short film about the social tension in New York City's impoverished areas. This film do...
Ano: 2015, Duração: 21 minutos, Elenco: Jorge Alvarez, Richard Bird
A group of young people on retreat in a remote house find themselves haunted by a restless spirit.
Ano: 2015, Duração: 110 minutos, Elenco: Janella Salvador, Marlo Mortel, Jerome Ponce
San Diego based Octagrape hits the road and encounters friends, fans, fellow travelers, disinterested witnesses, strange times, open landscapes, Tim Hortons, bad directions and a persistent...
Ano: 2015, Duração: 0 minutos, Elenco: Glen Galloway